Checking Roget's Thesaurus regarding rambling: disjointed & long-winded. Hmmm. Two words I am used to hearing, particularly from one Mr. Richard Thurmond, former TC Board President. But, hang with me, as this is my first time blogging. So, I may be disjointed, but hopefully not long-winded.
I was thinking what I should write about in my first blog ever: how bad the economy is, how challenging fund raising is, budget cuts, reduced salaries and on and on. But, I thought, who doesn't know the economy is in pitiful shape and thus fund raising is hard, forcing budget cuts, etc.? So, I decided to push through the dark clouds for the silver lining. Hmmm. Silver lining....hmmm. Oh, I know--Theatre Charlotte is still here! We are here and we are about to embark on our 82nd season! Pretty good. Our tiny, but mighty, four-person staff is intact--poorer, but still working hard and still dedicated to creating those outstanding theatre opportunities that are mentioned in our mission.
We have close to 550 active volunteers. Now, there's a silver lining! As a community theatre, our reason for being is for volunteers. And we have some good ones--performers, set builders, props people, crew members and ushers. And our volunteer pool continues to expand. We had 84 people audition for our opening production of "Seussical" and we have a cast of 35--all volunteers, with close to three-fourths of them new to TC (including my 4-year old daughter who will be playing the elephant-bird hatched by Horton the elephant at the end of the play.)
It took us awhile to put it together, what with performance rights for a couple of shows being withdrawn, but we have a great Main Stage season: "Seussical," "The Woman in Black," "Biloxi Blues," "A Streetcar Named Desire," and "Smoke on the Mountain." "The Woman in Black" is the most recent addition to the season. The North American rights to the other play we had selected and advertised were withdrawn and we were told we had to pick a different play. We wanted something scary because that slot opens Halloween weekend. I read "The Woman in Black" and it is really scary--far scarier than what we had initially chosen. So, still silver lining stuff.
No offense to other set designers and tech directors in the area, but we feel we have the best one in Chris Timmons. Talk about silver lining--not only is he a terrific designer and very cool to collaborate with, but he can put great stuff on the stage for very little money. Now that's what I'm talking about--silver lining! I have directed 72 plays and have worked with some good designers, but Chris is at the top of the list and, by far, the most fun to work with.
I am not slighting the rest of our brave little staff. I will praise them in future blogs. So, there you go--silver linings. Oh, and our season ticket sales are really good (putting on my ED hat--of course they could always be better) and the donations from our loyal patrons are strong and we have every reason to believe they will continue that way.
We at Theatre Charlotte have much to be thankful for in the midst of all this economic and political turmoil. This mess has made us more creative, more innovative and even better at borrowing good ideas from theatres around the country. So, my ramblings for this week have come to an end. I hope to hear from you and remember--theatre entertains, engages, inspires and unites community. Support all your local theatres!